Let us analyze your organization to define your Big Data strategy

Simplify the installation, configuration and operation of Hadoop and Storm clusters

Train your developers and data analysts in getting started with Big Data

Search on a gigantic scale, using ElasticSearch.
DataCrunchers helps organizations in becoming
Data Driven.

Extract valuable insights from your stored data

Design and implementation of data processing applications

Use your log files to monitor your applications in real-time

Bring together all enterprise data and disclose it through an API
What is Big Data?
We think of Big Data as a set of concepts and technologies that allow the rapid and efficient processing of large data sets with a focus on performance, resiliency and agility.
Big Data is not a product, software package nor a W3C standard. Big Data solutions challenge traditional technology and promote new thinking and technologies to solve today’s business problems.
We describe the Big Data business drivers as Volume, Velocity, Variety and Agility.
The Big Data Buzz
After having heard all the buzz around Big Data we imagine you are left with questions: What is Big Data really about? What can it do for me? How can I get value out of large data sets? What is my return on investment? Which technology should I use from the abundant list of technologies around? How to implement a Big Data project? What kind of people do I need to adopt Big Data? Our Mission DataCrunchers wants to enable you in adopting Big Data, ensuring that you are building a robust and long term Big Data Solution. Our consultants have built numerous BIg Data Solutions and understand how to return value on your investment. We enable our customers in setting up clusters, teaching and guiding them to use technologies on top of them, and help you design and implement Big Data Solutions you can support yourself afterwards.

Hadoop is a key part in our Big Data solutions. We use Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, as well as Hive and Pig.
Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing what Hadoop did for batch processing.
ElasticSearch is an open source, distributed, RESTful, search Engine built on top of Apache Lucene.
Lily is a data management platform combining big data, indexing and search with on-line, real-time usage tracking, audience analytics and content recommendations. Lily builds on Apache HBase, Hadoop and Solr.
More technologies
We use many more technologies. For server and cluster management, we use Puppet , Amazon AWS, Microsoft Windows Azure. For our database needs we find Cassandra, Redis and Hbase a good fit.See more technologies.
DataCrunchers at Spark Summit Amsterdam.
27 Oct 2015DataCrunchers will be hosting first meetup of Spark Belgium Meetup Group.
17 Jun 2015DataCrunchers will be presenting at JAX London on october 29th.
01 Sep 2013DataCrunchers following the Lisbon Machine Learning Course.
26 Jul 2013Geert will present "Big Data" at the "The World of Big Data and Big Data Governance" on June 25th at IBM Forum.
18 Jun 2013A real-time architecture using Hadoop and Storm at Big Data.be
02 May 2013
- KMO 1
- Diabetic Research 1
- Hadoop 15
- Big Data 15
- SMB 1
- Hortonworks 1
- Data Warehouse 2
- Belgium 2
- Conferences 1
- Summit 1
- Software Architecture 5
- Azure 1
- Spark 2
- machine learning 1
- Fraud 1
- Microsoft 2
- Data Silos 2
- Business Intelligence 2
- LSEC 1
- HD Insight 2
- Geert Van Landeghem 6
- Nathan Bijnens 3
- Nathan Marz 2
- Storm 7
- Foundation.be 1
- Consultancy 1
- realtime 1
- Lambda 5
- Hospital 1
- Spark Summit 1
- real-time 7
- image data 1
- Storage 1
- bigdata.be 4